Care And Use

The Crossrope System is a high-quality, high-performance jump rope system.  Here are some tips and suggestions for proper use, care, and maintenance of your Crossrope.


It is recommended that you avoid storing your ropes in cold temperatures or direct sunlight.  The cold temperatures can cause the nylon and PVC coating to become stiffer and may reduce durability.  Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may cause the coating to harden.  It is fine to store your ropes by coiling or hanging.  If they are coiled, you may need to pull the rope taut prior to jumping if it retains excessive curvature.


Slim Handles

These handles are very smooth and have high quality, encased, free-spinning ball bearings.  They are intended primarily for use with the 1/4 LB and 1/2 LB ropes, though they are also fully compatible with the Speed Ropes, Speed Pro Ropes, and Heavy Ropes.  Though they are rust-resistant, keep the handles and bearings away from water and moisture.

Power Handles

The Power Handles are very smooth and extraordinarily strong. The new re-designed Power handles offer a strong, comfortable, and ergonomic grip built for jumping with your 1 LB and 2 LB and all heavy jump ropes. While they're intended primarily for use with the 1 LB and 2 LB ropes, they are also fully compatible with the 1/4 LB, 1/2 LB, Speed Ropes, and Heavy and Ultra Heavy Ropes. Though they are rust-resistant, keep the handles and bearings away from water and moisture.


The cable core of all ropes not only enhances speed and performance but makes breaking the rope virtually impossible, particularly with the heavier cables. The outer protective coating on the cables will undergo natural wear and tear, but the ropes are still functional even if the cable becomes exposed as long as you cover the exposed area with heavy-duty tape or protective material. 

For safety reasons, do not jump with exposed cable.  In order to extend the life of the protective PVC coating, do not store your ropes in extreme hot or cold or in direct sunlight.  This may make the coating susceptible to cracking.


The Crossrope Jump Rope system can be used on a wide range of surfaces. However, using the ropes on a rough surface (such as road gravel) the longevity of the rope will be decreased. To ensure your ropes last for a longer time, we recommend using a Jump Rope Mat or Gym Mat (you can grab one from Bunnings) to better protect the PVC coating. 

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